Be glad in the Lord. |
Psalm 32 |
In God alone is there true delight,
and in all our delights
it is this delight that we are seeking.
St. Bonaventure, 13th century
Give, and it will be given to you. |
Jesus; Luke 6:38 |
Joy is a sign of our generosity.
Bl. Teresa of Calcutta, 20th century
God loves a cheerful giver. |
2 Corinthians 9:7 |
We must give God what we have, generously and with joy.
St. Elizabeth of Hungary, 13th century
Happy the people whose God is the Lord. |
Psalm 144:15 |
Happiness, whether for us or for our children,
is not the result of earthly riches,
which must either be lost by us in our lifetime
or pass after our death into the possession of others.
It is God who gives happiness,
for He is the true wealth of our souls.
St. Augustine, 5th century
Lord, let all who take refuge in you rejoice,
let them ever sing for joy.
Psalm 5:11 |
The soul of one who loves God always swims in joy,
always keeps holiday,
and is always in the mood for singing.
St. John of the Cross, 16th century
My spirit rejoices in God. |
Mary's Magnificat; Luke 1:46 |
Joy is prayer, joy is strength, joy is love.
Bl. Teresa of Calcutta, 20th century
O God...
restore my joy in your salvation;
sustain in me a willing spirit. |
Pslam 51:14 |
And what is God?
Supreme happiness, that is all.
St. Madeleine Sophie Barat, 19th century
Take delight in the Lord,
and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4 |
If you desire to be happy,
make God your final and ultimate goal.
'The Imitation of Christ', Thomas a Kempis, 15th century
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