God pardoned all our sins. |
Colossians 2:13 |
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned.
St. Francis of Assisi, 13th century
Lord, you are good and forgiving. |
Psalm 86:5 |
God never tires of forgiving us.
It is we who tire of seeking his mercy.
Pope Francis, 21st Century
Forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors. |
Matthew 6:12 |
'Forgive us our debts.'
One cannot ask for forgiveness if one has not forgiven.
Bl. Charles de Foucauld, 20th century
They are happy who do what is right. |
Psalm 105:6 |
To love and forgive, is to live as a conqueror.
Pope Francis
With you there is forgiveness. |
Psalm 130:4 |
God's mercy is infinite, and so is his love,
his goodness, and his forgiveness.
Servant of God, Catherine Doherty, 20th century
Blessed are the merciful.
Jesus: Matthew 5:7 |
If we are able to give others
the forgiveness we ask for ourselves,
we are blessed.
Pope Francis
O Lord,
with you there is forgiveness. |
Psalm 130:4 |
How wonderful and how great
is the patience of God.
St. Cyprian, 3rd century
God pardoned all our sins.
Colossians 2:13 |
Forgive whatever has been done against you;
give of your abundance.
St. Augustine, 5th century
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