Jesus, the living bread from heaven.
John 6:35,59 |
The Eucharist began in Bethlehem, in Mary’s arms.
It was she who brought to humanity
the bread for which it was hungering,
and which alone can nourish it.
St. Peter Eymard, 19th century
Take and eat; this is my body. |
Jesus; Matthew 26:26 |
The Eucharist...
is not a prize for the perfect
but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak.
Pope Francis, 21st century
My Father gives you
the true bread from heaven. |
Jesus; John 6:32 |
We are no longer to look upon the bread and wine
as earthly substances. They have become heavenly,
because Christ has passed into them
and changed them into his body and blood.
St Gaudentius of Brescia, 5th century
I came that they may have life. |
Jesus; John 10:10 |
The proper effect of the Eucharist
is the transformation of man into God.
St. Thomas Aquinas, 13th century
He gave them
bread from heaven to eat. |
John 6:31 |
This precious and wonderful banquet
brings us salvation
and contains all sweetness.
St. Thomas Aquinas, 13th century
I am with you always. |
Jesus; Matthew 28:20 |
Jesus in the Eucharist is the sun of the earth.
St. Luigi Guanella, 20th century
Whoever eats my flesh
and drinks my blood has eternal life,
and I will raise him up at the last day. |
Jesus; John 6:54 |
Lord, in your Sacrament we embrace you and receive you.
Make us worthy to experience the resurrection
for which we hope.
St. Ephraem, 4th century
This is my blood of the covenant,
which is poured out for many. |
Jesus; Mark 14:24 |
Demons flee and angels gather
when they see the blood of the Lord.
St. John Chrysostom, 4th century
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