The kingdom of heaven is among you. |
Matthew 4:17 |
The kingdom of heaven is the proclamation of the Gospel;
and that knowledge of the Scripture leads to life.
St. Jerome, 5th century
The kingdom of God is within you.
cf. Luke 17:21 |
There should be in us a kind of spiritual paradise
where God may walk and be our sole ruler with his Christ.
cf Origen, 3rd century
We shall come to him
and make our home with him. |
Jesus; John 14:23 |
The Father is present in the perfect soul,
and with him, Christ reigns.
Origen, 3rd century
God has brought us into the kingdom
of his beloved Son. |
Colossians 1:13 |
We must have zeal to be of help to one another
in the kingdom of God,
to which faith and good works are the way.
St. Leo the Great, 5th century
Seek first God’s kingdom. |
Jesus; Matthew 6:33 |
The kingdom of God
has no assessment value put on it,
but it is worth everything you have.
St. Gregory the Great, 6th century
Seek first the kingdom of God. |
Jesus; Matthew 6:33 |
If you put God first
you will see his kingdom blossom within you.
'The Imitation of Christ'; Thomas a Kempis,15th century
The Lord himself
will descend from heaven. |
1 Thessalonians 4:16 |
One thing is sure: In God’s own time,
the Son of Man will come in great power and majesty
to render to each according to his works.
St. Katharine Drexel, 20th century
Your eyes will see the king
in his beauty. |
Isaiah 33:17 |
Christ is infinite Majesty,
but he is also infinite goodness and infinite love.
St. Alphonse Liguori, 18th century
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