The Kingdom of heaven is among you. |
Matthew 4:17 |
The kingdom of heaven is the proclamation of the Gospel;
and that knowledge of the Scripture leads to life.
St. Jerome, 5th century
We shall come and make our home in him. |
Jesus; John 14:23 |
The Father is present in the holy soul,
and with him, Christ reigns.
Origen, 3rd century
Unless you become like children
you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven. |
Jesus; Matthew 18:3 |
We can never have too much confidence in God.
As we hope in him so shall we receive.
St. Therese of Lisieux, 19th century
The righteous will shine like the sun
in the kingdom of their Father.
Jesus; Matthew 13:43 |
There, he will wipe away every tear from their eyes,
death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning,
nor crying, nor pain any more.
Revelation. 21:4
Come, blessed of my Father. |
Jesus; Matthew 25:34 |
The kingdom of heaven
has been opened to believers
by the key of Christ’s cross.
St. Robert Bellarmine, 16th century
The kingdom of God is within you. |
Luke 17:21 |
The kingdom of God
is living in peace and joy with the Holy Spirit.
'The Imitation of Christ'; Thomas a Kempis,15th century
Your King will come,
the Holy One and Savior of the world. |
cf. Zechariah 9:9 |
Unless in humility Christ had come down to us,
none of us, by his own merits could ever go up to him.
St. Leo the Great, 5th century
The kingdom of God is within you. |
Luke 17:21 |
Bring the Gospel to others,
not by your words but by your example,
not by proclaiming it, but by living it.
Ven. Charles de Foucauld, 20th century
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