The Mother of Christ

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  Word of God  
He will be called
Son of the Most High.
Luke 1:32

The first human creature permitted to discover Christ
was Mary, who lived with Joseph
in the same house in Nazareth.

'Redemptoris Mater'

  Word of God  
All generations will call me blessed.
Mary; Luke 1:48

Mary is the first Christian.
The imitation of Mary is relevant to all Christians.

St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, 20th century

  Word of God  
Hail, full of grace.
Luke 1:28

Never imagine that we obscure the glory of the Son
by the praise we lavish on the Mother;
for the more Mary is honored,
the greater is the glory of her Son.

St. Bernard of Clairvaux, 12th century

  Word of God  
You are all beautiful.
Song of Songs 4:7

God could have made a greater world,
but he could not have made a mother
more perfect than the Mother of God.

St. Bonaventure, 13th century

  Word of God  
God gives grace to the humble.
James 4:6

The heart of Mary, more than any other,
is a humble heart, capable of accepting God’s gifts.

Pope Francis, 21st century

  Word of God  
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord.
Mary; Luke 1:46

Let Mary’s soul be in each of us
to proclaim the greatness of the Lord.

St. Ambrose, 4th century

  Word of God  
The kindness and generous love
of our Savior appeared.
Titus 3:4

Holy are you, O Mary,
who gave birth to a Savior for the lost human race.

St. Anselm, 12th century

  Word of God  
You are all beautiful.
Song of Songs 4:7

It was only fitting, that the Virgin to whose care
God the Father was pleased to confide his only Son
should shine with a dazzling purity,
surpassing all but that of God himself

St. Anselm, 12th century


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