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  Word of God  
Blessed are the pure of heart,
they shall see God.
Matthew 5:8

If we had faith, we would see God in everything.

St. Bernadette Soubirous, 19th century

  Word of God  
We walk by faith not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5:7

Lean to fix the eye of faith
on the divine word of the Holy Scriptures.
Our hearts must be purified by faith.

St. Augustine, 5th century

  Word of God  
I will go to the altar of God,
and I will praise You,
my God.
Psalm 43:4

Try to gather more frequently
to celebrate God's Eucharist and to praise Him.
For when you meet with frequency, Satan's powers are overthrown
and his destructiveness is undone
by the unanimity of your faith.

St. Ignatius of Antioch, 1st century

  Word of God  
Faith is the assurance of things hoped for,
the conviction of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1

Faith conceals human worthlessness;
and despising earthly reasoning,
seeks after the knowledge of heavenly things.

St. John Chrysostom, 4th century

  Word of God  
Put out your hand, and place it in my side;
do not be faithless, but believing.
Jesus; John 20:27

Christ is recognized now,
not so much by His face, as by His wounds.
Thomas believes that the qualifying signs of Jesus
are above all, the wounds which reveal
the point to which He loved us.

His Holiness, Benedict XVI

  Word of God  
Your life is hidden with Christ in God.
Colossians 3:3

Do not be troubled because you must live by faith,
nor grow weary because hope is deferred. Your reward is certain;
it is preserved for you in him who created all things.

St. Peter Chrysologus, 5th century

  Word of God  
Whatever is born of God overcomes the world;
this is the victory that overcomes the world,
our faith.
1 John 5:4

Evil does not have the last word.
Christ crucified and risen, has triumphed.
Encouraged by this truth, let us, with enthusiasm,
build a society inspired by the Gospel.

His Holiness, Benedict XVI

  Word of God  
The Gospel is the power of God for salvation
to every one who has faith.
cf Romans 1:16

Our lives, externally,
are little different from the lives of those around us;
what makes the difference, what must make the difference,
is a faith that inspires all our decisions and choices and actions.

Fr. Walter Ciszek, 23 yrs. imprisoned in Russia, 20th century


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