I will...
test them as gold is tested.
Zechariah 13:9 |
We must not think that God tests us
in order to lead us to evil, for that simply cannot be.
He tests his most beloved servants
so that they might prove their love and fidelity for him,
that they might accomplish great things.
St. Francis de Sales, 17th century
Make me to know your ways, O Lord. |
Psalm 25:4 |
God speaks quietly, very quietly, but he does speak
and he will make known to you
what he wants you to do.
Servant of God, Catherine Doherty, 20th century
My God turns my darkness into light. |
Psalm 18:28 |
Whatever be the character of life or its unexpected events,
to the heart that loves, all is well.
St Therese of Lisieux, 19th century
O the depth of the riches and wisdom
and knowledge of God! |
Romans 11:33 |
We must consider that God is wisdom itself,
which in the government of the universe,
of heaven and earth and all creation can't go wrong;
for it it were not so
he would be neither God nor all-wise.
St. Catherine de Ricci, 16th century
God is faithful,
and he will not let you be tempted
beyond your strength. |
1 Corinthians 10:13 |
God bestows two remedies for all the temptations and trials
that we have to endure: Love and Fear.
Love makes us quicken our steps,
while fear will make us look where we are setting our feet
so that we shall not fall.
St. Teresa of Avila, 16th century
Speak tenderly to Jerusalem,
and cry to her that her warfare is ended. |
Isaiah 40:1-2 |
This is what the Lord wishes to do in Advent:
to speak to the heart of his people
and through it to the whole of humanity,
to proclaim salvation.
His Holiness, Benedict XVI
You have made known to me the paths of life |
Acts 2:28 |
God has created me to do Him some definite service;
He has committed some work to me
which He has not committed to another. I have my mission—
I may never know it in this life, but I shall be told it in the next.
I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons.
He has not created me for naught. I shall do good, I shall do his work.
St. John Henry Newman, 19th century
The Lord crowns you with steadfast love
and mercy, |
cf Psalm 103:4 |
Mercy works in keeping us,
and mercy works turning to us all things to good.
Julian of Norwich, 14th century
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