Love of neighbour

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  Word of God  
Love one another earnestly
from the heart.
1 Peter 1:22

Truly, loving our neighbor…
means giving of ourselves without self-interest.

Chiara Lubich, foundress of Focolare; 20th century

  Word of God  
Love is of God.
1 John 4:7

Be the first to love.
Don't wait for others to love you, but take the first step;
even if they don't love you, even if they hate you,
you've got to love always; this love is truly powerful.

Chiara Lubich, foundress of Focolare; 20th century

  Word of God  
Show mercy and compassion
to one another.
Zecharia 7:9

Christ works through our hands,
walks with our feet,
and loves with our hearts.

cf St. Teresa of Avila, 16th century

  Word of God  
If your enemy is hungry, feed him…
by doing so you will heap burning coals
upon his head.
Romans 12:20

We should heap good works
like red hot coals of burning love on the heads of our enemies,
so that when they become aware of our tolerance and gentleness,
they may experience a change of heart
and be prompted to turn in love to God.

St. Anthony Maria Zaccaria, 16th century

  Word of God  
We are God’s masterpiece.
Ephesians 2:10

We must never undervalue any person.
God is present everywhere, and every person is His work.

St. Francis de Sales, 17th century

  Word of God  
In humility
count others better than yourselves.
Philippians 2:3

We have no reason to despise anyone.
A humble man sees only his own faults.
It is a sign of little virtue to notice the imperfections of others.

St. Claude de la Colombiere, 17th century

  Word of God  
He who finds a faithful friend
has found a treasure.
Sirach 6:14

There is nothing on this earth more to be prized
than true friendship.

St. Thomas Aquinas, 13th century

  Word of God  
Love your neighbor
as yourself.
Jesus; Matthew 19:19

Love begins
by taking care of the closest ones;
love begins in our own home.

Bl. Teresa of Calcutta, 20th century


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