The Holy Spirit

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  Word of God  
The Spirit of truth;
you know him, for he dwells with you,
and will be with you.
Jesus; John 14:17

The Spirit comes with the tenderness of a true friend and protector
to save, to heal, to teach, to counsel, to strengthen, to console.

St. Cyril of Jerusalem, 4th century

  Word of God  
You send forth your spirit,
you renew the face of the earth.
Psalm 104:30

These words summon us to ever deeper faith
in God’s infinite power to transform every human situation,
to create life from death, and to light up even the darkest night.

His Holiness, Benedict XVI

  Word of God  
They were all filled with the holy Spirit
and began to speak in different tongues.
Acts of the Apostles 2:4

The person who is filled with the Holy Spirit speaks in different languages.
These different languages are different ways of witnessing to Christ,
such as humility, poverty, patience and obedience;
we speak in those languages when we reveal in ourselves
these virtues to others.

St. Anthony of Padua, 13th century

  Word of God  
The Holy Spirit
will teach you all things.
Jesus; John 14:26

Come, Holy Spirit!
Bend the stubborn heart and will,
melt the frozen, warm the chill;
guide the steps that go astray.

Pentecost Sequence

  Word of God  
The Spirit of the Lord
holds all things together
and knows every word spoken by man.
Wisdom 1:7

Be humble and obedient
and the Holy Spirit will teach you to pray.

St. Philip Neri, 16th century

  Word of God  
Lord, you send out your spirit
and you renew the face of the earth.
Psalm 104:30

The Spirit changes those in whom he comes to dwell.

St. Cyril of Alexandria, 5th century

  Word of God  
Lord, let your good spirit lead me
and guide me.
Psalm 143:10

As fresh breath is drawn in, so is the Holy Spirit,
who, with his might, cools the soul
from the power of sin.

St. Vincent Ferrer, 15th century

  Word of God  
You also, who have heard the word of truth,
the gospel of salvation,
and have believed in Christ,
were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit.
cf Ephesians 1:13

The Spirit comes to enlighten the mind, first,
of the one who receives him,
and then, through him, the minds of others as well.

St. Cyril of Jerusalem, 4th century


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