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  Word of God  
Know the Lord.
Hebrews 8:11

In order to know God we must think of him often;
and when we come to love him
we shall then also think of him often,
for our heart will be with our treasure.

'The Practice of the Presence of God', Br. Lawrence, 17th century

  Word of God  
Where your treasure is
there will your heart be also.
Jesus; Matthew 6:21

If we constantly meditate on Holy Scripture
and reflect on Christian realities,
the desire for perfection, and the hope of future joy,
spiritual thoughts will certainly arise in us.

St. John Cassian, 5th century

  Word of God  
Ask, and it will be given to you.
Jesus; Matthew 7:7

The basis of this power of prayer
is the goodness of the Father,
but also the mediation of Christ Himself,
and the working of the Holy Spirit.

Pope John Paul II, 20th century

  Word of God  
The prayer of the upright is the Lord's delight.
Psoverbs 15:8

Prayer gives joy to the spirit and peace to the heart.

St. John Chrysostom, 4th century

  Word of God  
I ponder all your deeds.
Psalm 143:5

A true friend of God
should always keep some good images or thoughts
in his soul’s mouth and chew on them
in order to inflame his heart with love of God.

Bl. Henry Suso, 14th century

  Word of God  
May the Lord direct your hearts
to the love of God.
2 Thessalonians 3:5

It is indeed a good thing
to keep the thought of God uppermost in our mind.
It is something that a true Christian
should never cease doing.

St. Basil, 4th century

  Word of God  
We should pray always and not give up.
cf Luke 18:1

Pray and do not be apprehensive about anything;
do not be afraid of trouble or misfortune,
for prayer will protect you and sustain you
in all circumstances.

St. John Chrysostom, 4th century

  Word of God  
Live in my love.
Jesus; John 15:9

If we pray, we will believe.
If we believe, we will love.
If we love, we will serve.

Bl. Teresa of Calcutta, 20th century


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