I have come as light
into the world. |
Jesus; John 12:46 |
Christ is the lamp
that illuminates the whole of Scripture:
he is its gateway and its foundation.
St. Bonaventure, 13th century
Let the word of Christ
dwell within you richly. |
Colossians 3:16 |
Let God's word enter into your very being,
let it take possession of your desires
and your whole way of life.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux, 12th century
Your all-powerful word... |
Wisdom 18:15 |
The Word of God
works against all kinds of spiritual sickness.
Bl. Humbert of Romans 13th century
All Scripture is inspired by God. |
2 Timothy 3:16 |
The one who ignores Scripture, ignores Christ.
And the one who ignores Christ
ignores the power of God, and the wisdom of God.
St. Jerome, 5th century
The sword of the Spirit
is the Word of God. |
cf Ephesians 6:17 |
The Word of God is a sword with which
one can defend himself against the temptations of the devil.
The Lord defended himself from temptation with sacred words.
Bl. Humbert of Romans13th century
The words I have spoken to you
are spirit and life. |
Jesus; John 6:63 |
Daily, a thousand missiles rain down on us from every side:
inducements to anger, anxiety, discouragement and grief.
We constantly need the whole range of equipment
supplied by Scripture.
St. John Chrysostom, 4th century
Your word is a lamp for my feet,
a light on my path. |
Psalm 119:105 |
There are many, who in the darkness of this world,
do not know how to hold to the right path.
The Word of God is like a torch by night,
showing us the right way.
Bl. Humbert of Romans, 13th century
The word of God is living and active. |
Hebrews 4:12 |
The reading of sacred Scripture
is a great and powerful remedy against bodily suffering
and depression of mind.
Bl. Baptist Spagnoli, 16th century
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