The Words is near you. |
Romans 10:8 |
Our Lady best transmits to the faithful
the joy of God’s word,
which first filled her with pleasure.
Pope Francis
Blessed are those
who hear the Word of God and keep it. |
Jesus; Luke 11:21 |
Let God’s word enter into your very being.
Let it take possession of your desires
and your whole way of life.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux, 12th century
The word of God is alive. |
Hebrews 4:12 |
The Word of God is a living word that touches our lives,
that transforms our lives. There, Jesus in person,
the living Word of God, speaks to our hearts.
Pope Francis
Your word
is a light for my path. |
Psalm 119:105 |
The Scriptures have been crafted in such a way
that they are plain and simple enough
for every person to find in them
what they need to understand.
St. Thomas More, 16th century
The people pressed upon him
to hear the word of God. |
Luke 5:1 |
The Sacred Scriptures are a letter from our Fatherland.
St. Augustine, 5th century
The word of God
is alive and active. |
Hebrews 4:12 |
The Word of God is the vital substance of our soul;
it nourishes, feeds, and governs us.
St. Ambrose, 4th century
The word of God is alive
and active. |
Hebrews 4:12 |
This word is alive in the heart of the Father,
alive in the mouth of the preacher,
and alive in the hearts of those who believe and love.
St. Baldwin of Canterbury, 12th century
My words are life to those who find them. |
Proverbs 4:22 |
The word of God
works against every kind of spiritual sickness.
Bl. Humbert of Romans, 13th century
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