Be patient in tribulation. |
Romans 12:12 |
If there be a true way that leads to the Everlasting Kingdom,
it is most certainly that of suffering, patiently endured.
St. Colette, 15th century
To us who are being saved
the cross is the power of God. |
Cf. 1 Corinthians 1:18 |
The cross is our trophy raised against the demons,
our sword against sin,
and the sword Christ used to pierce the serpent.
St. John Chrysostom, 4th century
Out of my distress
I called to the Lord. |
Psalm 118:5 |
In sorrow and suffering,
go straight to God with confidence,
and you will be strengthened, enlightened, and instructed.
St. John of the Cross, 16th century
Where is my help to come from? |
Psalm 121:1 |
It is a great comfort in tribulation
if in times of adversity we recall the gifts our Creator has given us.
Overwhelming sorrow will not break us if we quickly call to mind
the gifts which have sustained us.
St. Gregory the Great, 6th century
In the world you have tribulation,
but take courage, I have overcome the world. |
Jesus; John 6:33 |
We feel our crosses hard at times,
but our courage should rise with them.
St. Mary MacKillop, 19th century
Follow me. |
Jesus; Matthew 16:24 |
If you carry the cross willingly,
it will carry and lead you to the desired goal
where indeed there shall be no more suffering.
'The Imitation of Christ; Thomas a Kempis, 15th century
My yoke is easy and my burden is light. |
Jesus; Matthew 11:30 |
You have less to suffer in following the Cross
than in serving the world and its pleasures.
St. John Vianney, 19th century
Come to me
all who labor and are heavy burdened,
and I will give you rest. |
Jesus; Matthew 11:28 |
The indispensible source of energy and renewal,
when frailty and weakness increase,
is the encounter with the living Christ.
Bl. John Paul II, 20th century
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