In the world you will have trouble,
but take courage,
I have overcome the world. |
Jesus; John 16:33 |
We cannot avoid the evils of this life;
with God’s help we can overcome them.
St. Cessarius of Arles, 6th century
My yoke is easy and my burden light. |
Jesus; Matthew 11:30 |
Let us never complain
that the burden of Christ is too heavy
which he pronounces light,
or that yoke is bitter which he describes as sweet;
Let us rather think on the ‘eternal weight of glory’
which is to be the recompense of our toil.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux, 12th century
I call upon God
and the Lord will save me. |
Psalm 55:16 |
In difficulties,
we have only to have recourse to Jesus Christ,
and beg his grace;
with that, everything becomes easy.
Br. Lawrence of the Resurrection, 17th century
With the Lord is kindness,
and with him is full redemption. |
Psalm 130:7 |
Because the Lord loved us
our Lord Jesus Christ gave his life’s blood for us.
St. Clement of Rome, 2nd century
Look and see
if there is any sorrow like my sorrow.
Lamentations 1:12 |
Reflect on the wounds
and sufferings of Christ crucified.
He himself has told us,
"All you who pass by the way" of thorns and the cross,
"look and see."
St. Louis de Montfort, 18th century
You yourself a sword will pierce. |
Luke 2:34 |
O Blessed Mother, a sword pierced your heart.
Christ died in body through a love
greater than anyone had known.
Mary died in spirit through a love
unlike any other since his.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux, 12th century
That I may know Christ
and the power of his resurrection,
and may share his sufferings. |
cf Philippians 3:10 |
Suffering is a great grace.
In suffering, the soul becomes crystallized;
the greater the suffering, the purer the love.
St. Faustina, 20th century
God is love. |
1 John 4:16 |
And I saw the river over which every soul must pass
to reach the Kingdom of Heaven
and the name of that river was suffering;
and I saw the boat which carries souls across the river,
and the name of the boat is love.
St. John of the Cross, 16th century
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