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  Word of God  
Come, blessed of my Father.
Jesus; Matthew 25:34

The Christian people are invited to share the riches of paradise.
All who have been reborn have the way open before them
to return to their native land, from which they had been exiled.

St. Leo the Great, 5th century

  Word of God  
I go to prepare a place for you.
Jesus; John 14:3

Heaven will be this encounter,
this meeting with the Lord
who went ahead to prepare a place for each of us.

St. Joseph Moscati, 20th century

  Word of God  
We shall be like him;
for we shall see him as he is.
1 John 3:2

What greater happiness or higher honor could we have
than to be with God, to be made like him,
and to live in his light.

St. Anastasius of Sinai, 7th century

  Word of God  
I go to prepare a place for you.
Jesus; John 14:3

God is infinitely faithful to all his promises.

St. Teresa of Kolkata, 20th century

  Word of God  
Come, blessed of my Father.
Jesus; Matthew 25:34

We can, with God's grace, stand in spirit
gazing with endless wonder at this lofty, immeasurable love,
love beyond scope that the Almighty, in his goodness,
has for us.

Bl. Julian of Norwich, 14th century

  Word of God  
Rejoice that your names are written in heaven.
Jesus; Luke 10:20

How great will your glory and happiness be:
to be allowed to see God,
to be honored with sharing the joy of salvation
and eternal light with Christ;
to delight in the joy of immortality
with the righteous and God's friends.

St. Cyprian, 3rd century

  Word of God  
I go to prepare a place for you.
Jesus; John 14:3

Resolve to keep heaven before your mind,
to be ready to forego everything that can hinder you
or cause you to stray on your journey there.

St. Francis de Sales, 17th century

  Word of God  
I am the resurrection and the life.
Jesus; John 11:25

Why be afraid to die? Death brings us to God.

St. Josephine Bakhita, 20th century


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