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  Word of God  
that your names are written in heaven.
Jesus; Luke 10:20

The access to heaven is through desire.
He who longs to be there is already there in spirit.
The path to heaven is measured by desire, not by miles.

'The Cloud of Unknowing', 14th century

  Word of God  
If we endure,
we shall also reign with him.
2 Timothy 2:12

Endure with Christ, suffer with him,
if you wish to reign with him.

'The Imitation of Christ'; Thomas a Kempis,15th century

  Word of God  
Bless the Lord, all you who serve the Lord.
Psalm 134:1

Do you want to be happy? Fix your eyes on heaven;
there your heart will find what will satisfy it completely.

St. John Vianney, 19th century

  Word of God  
Our soul is waiting for the Lord.
Psalm 33:20

Let us stir up our hearts, rekindle our faith,
and long eagerly for what heaven has in store for us.

St. Gregory the Great, 6th century

  Word of God  
Our homeland is in heaven.
Philippians 3:20

Remember we are but travellers here.

St. Mary MacKillop, 19th century

  Word of God  
In the world you have tribulation;
but be of good cheer,
I have overcome the world.
Jesus; John 16:33

No matter what obstacles we encounter,
we must not allow them to turn us aside of the Heavenly Feast.

St. Gregory the Great, 6th century

  Word of God  
Lead a life worthy of the Lord,
fully pleasing to him.
Colossians 1:10

We are making our way toward the light of our heavenly home,
with the grace of Christ leading us
and showing us the way.

St. Bede the Venerable, 8th century

  Word of God  
When shall I come
and behold the face of God?
Psalm 42:2

We are travelers on a journey;
We are on our way, not yet in our native land;
But let us continue on our way…
so that we may ultimately arrive at our destination.

St. Augustine, 5th century


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