And so we shall always
be with the Lord. |
Thessalonians 4:17 |
It is wonderful; everything passes, but after death,
we shall always be with the Lord.
Pope Francis
O death, where is your victory?
1 Corinthians 15:55 |
Our Lord Jesus Christ is the one Lord,
the 'liberator' from all our slavery and misery
derived from sin.
Pope Francis
Death shall be no more,
neither shall there be mourning or crying.
Revelation 21:4 |
With Christ, victory is certain.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux, 12th century
He has risen, he is not here;
see the place where they laid him.
Matthew 16:6 |
Our Lord was trampled on by death,
and in his turn, trod out a way over death.
St. Ephraem, 4th century
Death, where is your victory?
1 Corinthians 15:55 |
Those who love you Lord,
will never lose anyone dear to them,
since all who are dear to them are in you, Our God,
who can never be lost.
St. Augustine, 5th century
We were reconciled to God
by the death of his Son.
Romans 5:10 |
The Lord both suffered and died
that he might redeem us from death.
St. Ambrose, 4th century
Never forget
all that God has done for you. |
Psalm 103:2 |
By dying, Christ destroyed death in himself.
We are freed from death only in his death.
St. Augustine, 5th century
It was the devil's envy
that brought death into the world. |
Wisdom 1:24 |
Lord, help your people,
bought with the price of your own blood,
and bring us with your saints to everlasting glory.
'Te Deum'
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