The Resurrection of Christ

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  Word of God  
Christ has been raised from the dead.
1 Corinthians 15:14

Christ fell asleep in death,
but he rose from the dead, for God was his deliverer.

St. Irenaeus, 2nd century

  Word of God  
I am the life.
Jesus; John 14:6

Blessed is Christ
who promised life and resurrection to Adam’s children
in the day of his coming.
We too, will arise and exalt him,
along with the saints who have been pleasing to him.

St. Ephraem, 4th century

  Word of God  
Keep holy the Lord's day.
Exodus 20:8

We hold our common assembly on Sunday
because it is the first day of the week,
the day on which God put darkness and chaos to flight
and created the world, and because on that same day
our savior, Jesus Christ, rose from the dead.

St. Justin Martyr, 2nd century

  Word of God  
God raised Christ from the dead
and gave him glory.
1 Peter 1:21

Christ descended to the dead,
but came back from the netherworld
redeeming many who were dead. 

St. Gregory Nazianzen, 4th century

  Word of God  
Our Lord Jesus Christ, died for us
so that we might live with him.
1 Thessalonians 5:9-10

The Gospel of Christ's resurrection fills the heart with joy.
Here is where love triumphs.
Christ really died for you and me, that we shall rise with him.

Servant of God, Catherine de Hueck Doherty, 20th century

  Word of God  
God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.
Revelation 7:17

Christ, who created all things,
has redeemed all things, and will glorify all things.

St. Bernard of Clairvaux, 12th century

  Word of God  
Did I not tell you that if you believed,
you would see the glory of God?
Jesus; John 11:40

Those who believe, see;
they see with a light that illumines their entire journey,
for it comes from the risen Christ,
the morning star which never sets.

St. Claude de la Colombiere, 17th century

  Word of God  
See, this is our God
in whom we hoped for salvation.
Isaiah 25:9

Christ came to expel the dark shadows of evil
and to make the whole universe radiant
with the brilliance of his eternal light.

St. Sophronius of Jerusalem, 7th century


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