The Passion of Christ

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  Word of God  
By his wounds
you have been healed.
1 Peter 2:24

Take comfort in the passion of Christ
and dwell willingly in his sacred wounds.

The Imitation of Christ'; Thomas a Kempis,15th century

  Word of God  
He wrapped Jesus in the linen shroud,
and laid him in a tomb .
Mark 15:46

There is a great silence on earth today,
a great silence and stillness.
The whole earth keeps silence because the King is asleep.
The earth trembled and is still, God has fallen asleep in the flesh.

An ancient homily for Holy Saturday

  Word of God  
Today you will be with me in Paradise.
Jesus; Luke 23:43

The thief prayed that the Lord would remember him
when he reached his Kingdom, but the Lord responded:
'Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.'

St. Ambrose, 4th century

  Word of God  
Jesus himself bore our sins in his body
on the tree.
1 Peter 2:24

Think of the spear the soldier bore,

Think how it tore his holy side;

Think of the bitter gall for drink,

Think of it, think, for us he died.

Gaelic Hymn

  Word of God  
They spat in his face, and struck him;
and some slapped him.
Matthew 26:67

By receiving a blow on the cheek,
Jesus gives the world its liberty.

Hippolytus, 3rd century

  Word of God  
Christ suffered for you...
1 John 4:19

The Passion on Calvary is a supreme declaration of love. 
It was to redeem us, that Jesus suffered so much.

cf Ven. Charles de Foucauld, 20th century

  Word of God  
Christ loved us.
Ephesians 5:2

The cross is like a touch of eternal love
upon the most painful wounds of our earthly existence.

cf. Dives in Misericordie'

  Word of God  
Hide me in the shelter of your wings.
Psalm 17:8

The protection of Christ’s wounds
are shade from the heat,
a refuge and shelter from the rain;
the sun will not scorch you, nor the storm move you.

Bl. Guerric of Igny, 12th century


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