The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin. |
1 John 1:7 |
This blood, poured out in abundance,
has washed the whole world clean.
St. John Chrysostom, 4th century
When Jesus was insulted, he returned no insult;
when he suffered, he did not threaten. |
1 Peter 2:23 |
Christ gave himself up to be mocked and reviled,
and at the end, endured the cross, the nails, the lance;
remaining always gentle, meek, and full of peace.
St. Aelred, 12th century
I have come to call, not the righteous,
but sinners. |
Jesus; Matthew 9:3 |
We were not good, but God had pity on us
and sent his Son to die;
not for the good, but for the bad,
not for the just, but for the wicked.
St. Augustine, 5th century
He was pierced for our offenses. |
Isaiah 53:5 |
Christ bore the burden of our sins.
St. Polycarp, 2nd century
Jesus Christ loves us
and has freed us from our sins by his own blood. |
Book of Revelation 1:5 |
You laid down your life for the sheep of your flock.
A greater love cannot be imagined
in exchanging your life for my salvation.
St. Gregory of Nyssa, 4th century
It is finished. |
John 19:30 |
Jesus’ death brings the dead to life,
but at his passing, heaven and earth are plunged into mourning
and hard rocks are split asunder.
St. Bonaventure, 13th century
God so loved the world
that he gave his only Son. |
John 3:16 |
God gave his son son as the price of our redemption,
the holy one to redeem the wicked,
the sinless one to redeem sinners.
Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus, 2nd century
Into your hands
I commend my spirit. |
Psalm 31:5 |
We are in the hands of God which are wounded by love.
Pope Francis, 21st century
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