Go into the whole world
and proclaim the gospel to every creature. |
Jesus; Mark 16:15 |
All our life, however silent it is…
must be a witness of the Good News through example;
our whole existence, whatever we are,
must shout the Good News from the rooftops.
Bl. Charles de Foucauld, 20th century
Come, follow me. |
Jesus; Matthew 14:29 |
Christ is looking for men and women
who will help him to affirm his victory using his own weapons:
the weapons of justice and truth,
mercy, forgiveness and love.
His Holiness, Benedict XVI
My sheep hear my voice,
and I know them, and they follow me. |
Jesus; John 10:27 |
Let us set out on his paths
with the Gospel as our guide.
Rule of St. Benedict
In Antioch the disciples were
for the first time called Christians. |
Acts of the Apostles 11:26 |
The Lord has granted us the privilege
of sharing in this, the greatest, most divine and chief of all names,
so that, honored by the name of Christ, we are called “Christians”.
So then we must ensure that in us
are seen all the meanings of the name of Christ,
so that our title is not false and meaningless
but is borne out by our lives.
St. Gregory of Nyssa, 4th century
The road is hard that leads to life,
and those who find it are few. |
Jesus; Matthew 7:14 |
Do not follow any road, but that which Christ trod.
This road seems hard, but it is safe.
St. Augustine, 5th century
Draw me after you. |
Song of Songs 1:4 |
If you should fall at times,
don't become discouraged and stop striving to advance,
for even from this fall, God will bring good.
St. Teresa of Avila, 16th century
It was in Antioch
that the disciples were first called Christians. |
Acts of the Apostles 11:26 |
We who have been found worthy of the name of Christ
must examine our thoughts, words, and deeds
to see whether they are directed toward Christ
or turned away from him.
St. Gregory of Nyssa, 4th century
Come, follow me. |
Jesus; Matthew 19:21 |
Jesus did not tell us to follow him
because he needed our help,
but because he knew that loving him would make us whole.
St. Irenaeus, 2nd century
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