Jesus Christ

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  Word of God  
Draw near to God
and he will draw near to you.
James 4:8

The more we go up and rise Christ-ward
and expose ourselves to the splendor of the light,
the more wonderfully and brilliantly
we shall be flooded with his brilliance.

Origen, 3rd century

  Word of God  
I am the way, and the truth and the life.
Jesus; John 14:6

Jesus is the way to be walked, 
the truth to be told, the life to be lived.

St. Teresa of Calcutta, 20th century

  Word of God  
A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter.
Sirach 6:14

You cannot live well without a friend,
and if Jesus is not your best friend,
you will end up being heartbroken and desolate.
To know how to talk to Jesus is a great act,
and to cling to him is great wisdom.

The Imitation of Christ' ; Thomas a Kempis, 15th century

  Word of God  
Learn from me,
I am gentle and lowly in heart.
Jesus; Matthew 11:29

Walk in humility that you may come to eternal life.

St. Augustine, 5th century

  Word of God  
The one who comes to me
I will not cast out.
Jesus; John 6:37

Christ's heart is always ready to receive us,
to be a refuge, our dwelling place,
and our heaven in this world.

St. Claude de la Colombiere, 17th century

  Word of God  
Luke 1:31

We lost eternal life through sin.
Jesus has restored it for us.
For this reason we must always be grateful to him
and love him.

St. Cajetan, 16th century

  Word of God  
Come to me.
Jesus; Matthew 11:28

Jesus came as a gentle, humble man.
He relieves us; he excludes no one,
nor does he send anyone away.

St. Ambrose, 4th century

  Word of God  
Remain in my love.
Jesus; John 15:9

Do not be afraid to give your heart to Christ.
God is supreme eternal goodness,
worthy of being loved.

St. Catherine of Siena, 14th century


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