The star which they had seen in the East
went before them,
till it came to rest over the place
where the child was. |
Matthew 2:9 |
Let us follow the star of inspiration and divine attraction
which calls us to the crib,
and let us go there to adore and love the Child Jesus
and offer ourselves to him.
St. Jane Frances de Chantal, 17th century
Upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom
a light has shown. |
Isaiah 9:1 |
O Radiant Dawn,
splendor of eternal light, sun of justice;
come, shine on those who dwell in darkness
and the shadow of death.
O Antiphon, Vespers
I am the light of the world. |
Jesus; John 8:12 |
You are a Fire that takes away the cold,
illuminates the mind with its light,
and causes me to know the truth.
St. Catherine of Siena, 14th century
The light shines in the darkness
and the darkness has not overcome it. |
John 1:5 |
Lead kindly light, amid the encircling gloom;
the night is dark and I am far from home,
lead kindly light.
Bl. John Henry Newman, 19th century
I came into the world as light
so that everyone who believes in me
may not remain in darkness.
Jesus; John 12:46 |
We have a mission to bring the light of Christ to the world,
illuminating the path toward the eternal kingdom of God.
His Holiness, Benedict XVI
Jesus was transfigured before them,
and his face shone like the sun. |
Matthew 17:2 |
Jesus Himself indeed shone as the sun,
signifying that He is the light
which enlightens every man that comes into the world.
St. Augustine, 5th century
You are the light of the world.
A city set on a hill cannot be hid. |
Jesus; Matthew 5:14 |
God wants you to become a living force for all mankind,
radiant lights, as you stand before Christ.
St. Gregory Nazianzus, 4th century
The dawn from on high shall break upon us. |
Luke 1:78 |
After the long centuries of dreadful night,
the eternal day, our Christ, shone forth.
The world had long awaited the splendor of his dawning.
St. Peter Chrysologus, 5th century
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