In the beginning was the Word...
all things were made through him. |
John 1:1,3 |
Nothing exists or remains in being except and through the Word.
St. Athanasius, 4th century
God created man in his own image. |
Genesis 1:27 |
Be conscious of the wondrous state
to which the Lord God has placed you,
for he created you and formed you
in the image of his beloved Son, according to the body,
and to his likeness according to the spirit.
St. Francis of Assisi, 12th century
O Lord, how manifold are your works.
In wisdom you have made them all. |
Psalm 104:24 |
We must consider that God is wisdom itself,
which in the government of the universe,
of heaven and earth and all creation, can’t go wrong.
If it were not so, he would be neither God nor all-wise.
St. Catherine de Ricci, 16th century
All things were created through him
and for him. |
Colossians 1:16 |
Jesus, God made man,
satisfies, abounds, overflows, and enjoys himself in all creatures.
Bl. Angela de Foligno, 13th century
I made the earth,
and created man upon it.
Isaiah 45:12 |
Meditate on the infinite God,
on the God who made earth and man,
the absolute Master of lands, rivers and seas,
the One who in an instant, simply by willing it,
with but a thought, created all that exists from nothing.
Bl. Raphael Arnaiz Baron, 20th century
Ice and snow, bless the Lord. |
Book of Daniel, Chapter 3 |
The heavens and the earth, Lord,
are filled with your majesty.
From the 'Te Deum'
From the greatness
and beauty of created things
comes a corresponding perception
of their Creator.
Wisdom 13:5 |
All creatures are an indication of God.
Everything belongs to God.
Hildegard of Bingen, 12th century
The Lord God formed man of dust from the ground,
and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;
and man became a living being. |
Genesis 2:7 |
O King and Desired of the nations,
the only joy of every human heart,
come and save the creature you fashioned
from the dust.
Advent, 'O Antiphon'
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