
These daily selections are chosen and presented a line at a time, a virtual spiritual vitamin for your day. Throughout the years many wonderful people have helped make this work possible. Though their names are not listed here, they are very much a part of this labor of love, a gift to you.

The Scriptures:

The word of God is alive and active; a light for our path, food for the journey, water to quench our thirst, a treasury of every good. The power of God's Word is so great, it never returns empty, but achieves the purpose for which it is sent. 

Be an Apostle:

Take advantage of this opportunity to welcome the Word of God daily. Share it with others. Sow the Word of God in your corner of the world.

                                                                In Jesus,

                                                                Sr. Kathleen


Sr. M. Kathleen Hughes has been privileged to live and work among the poorest of the poor in eight countries as a Missionary of Charity. Presently she lives as a Consecrated Virgin, feeding the hungry in over 186 countries with the Word of God through this website, and sharing the wisdom of Pope Francis daily. She resides in the Boston area.