Lead me along the path of everlasting life. |
Psalm 139:24 |
May the hand of God protect me,
the way of God lie before me,
the shield of God defend me,
the host of God save me.
St. Patrick, 5th century
Look to the Lord and his strength. |
Psalm 105:4 |
May the strength of God pilot us,
may the wisdom of God instruct us,
may the hand of God protect us,
may the Word of God direct us.
St. Patrick, 5th century
O Lord, lead me in your truth
and teach me. |
Psalm 25:5 |
God of all goodness, grant me to desire ardently,
to seek wisely, to know surely,
to accomplish perfectly your holy will
for the glory of your name.
St. Thomas Aquinas, 13th century
The Lord is my light and my salvation. |
Psalm 27:1 |
Salvation is the Lord’s,
Salvation is Christ’s;
May thy salvation, Lord, be always with us!
St. Patrick, 5th century
Lord, into your hands
I commend my spirit.
Psalm 31:6 |
All that I have and cherish, you have given me.
I surrender it all to be guided by your will.
Your grace and love are wealth enough for me.
St. Ignatius of Loyola, 16th century
O Lord, lead me in your truth
and teach me.
Psalm 25:5 |
God of all goodness, grant me to desire ardently,
to seek wisely, to know surely, to accomplish perfectly
your holy will for the glory of your name.
St. Thomas Aquinas, 13th century
In the Lord I have taken my refuge.
Psalm 11:1 |
O Lord, be between us and harm,
and protect us from the harm of the world.
Irish Prayer
Jesus. |
Philippians 2:10 |
Nothings holds back anger, limits pride, and heals wounds of malice,
as the name of Jesus.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux, 12th century
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